A June Evening – Hornby Island
The Courtenay & District Museum is pleased to open their newest exhibit “Archetypes: impressions of an island”. This thought provoking selection of photographs by Blair Polischuk is made possible with the generous support of Clarica. The event is open to the general public and includes a no host bar and light refreshments.
Polischuk has chosen photographs taken on Hornby Island over the past 10 years for this exhibit. “As soon as I got off the ferry, I felt something,” he said. “It wasn’t until 1994-95 that I made my first black and white photograph at Hornby. The minute I got my proofs, I knew I had to do this (full time). I credit Hornby with literally discovering the visual artist within me.”
Polischuk creates his black and white fine art photographs using a large format view camera and handprints on fiber-based silver gelatin, treating them for archival permanence.
“Archetypes: impressions of an island” will be on display from September 17th to October 22nd. The museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm and is located in the former post office building at 207 – 4th Street. Admission is by donation. FMI: 334-0686.
The Courtenay & District Museum is supported by the City of Courtenay, the Comox-Strathcona Regional District, the B.C. Arts Council and the Comox Valley Charitable Bingo Association.