NIC Pro Photo Show
Exhibit Opening and Reception
Photo: Juliana Paul
On Friday, June 7th from 7 – 9 pm, join North Island College's Professional Photography students at the Courtenay and District Museum for the opening of the programme's 16th showing of student work. The event marks the fourth collaboration between the museum and the photography programme by utilizing the museum's second floor gallery.
Jennifer Aitken, Coralee Annibal, Tara Burnett, Chris Harder, Tish Hartling, Brett Morrison, Lisa Murphy-Quigley, Juliana Paul, Haley Sjostrom and Deanna Veerman will display personal favourites as well as images created for their final portfolio review. The secret to success of a group show is variety and talent and these enthusiastic students have clearly met that challenge.
As diverse as the regions of Canada from which they come, the students' reasons for choosing photography as a career vary widely. All, however, have been captivated by the visual expression and lure of a medium that continues to evolve and dominate our lives.
The NIC Pro Photo Show will be on exhibit until the late afternoon of Saturday, June 15th.
Ongoing Endowment
Back by Popular Demand
Heather's Amazing Discovery, the story from a child's point of view, of one of the most well-known fossil discoveries in BC made by Mike Trask and his daughter, Heather, in 1988 is now available on Amazon. This is the third edition of this popular children's book, which was a finalist in the Children's Literature Roundtables of Canada Information Book Awards. Through Amazon's Create Space, the museum has been able to publish this to a wider audience for ongoing endowment with all proceeds going to the Courtenay and District Museum.
Click Here to Purchase
Your Membership Makes A Difference
Purchasing a membership to the Courtenay and District Museum, now in its 52nd year, supports heritage preservation in the Comox Valley through special events, lectures, education programmes, research and exhibitions. Your membership benefits these award winning programmes on a year round basis and we appreciate it!
Becoming a member provides you with discounts in the gift shop and on lectures and an opportunity to support one of the most active regional museums in British Columbia. Thank you for your support.
Click here to Join
Smoke But No Fire
The museum was able to open as usual on Tuesday, April 30th after a rather "unscheduled visit" by the Courtenay Fire Department early the previous morning.
The Fire Department responded to a smoke alarm triggered in the museum's basement. A compressor air pump and wiring had essentially over heated and melted creating a quantity of smoke. No fire suppression sprinklers were activated by the incident.
Executive Director Deborah Griffiths was “very happy and relieved” that there was no damage. Clean-up proceeded quickly and the museum went right back to business.
Photo of the Month
CDM #985.89.17
Haying, Comox, 1918
You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.
Special Offer to Members
The Sid Williams Theatre is extending a special ticket price to members of the Courtenay and District Historical Society to see Janet Rogers on Sunday, June 9, 2013. Rogers is a Mohawk spoken word artist, poet and award-winning writer.
Click here to visit the Sid William's website
To get the discount, members simply need to mention their Courtenay and District Museum affiliation in person, by phone, or selecting "Member price" when purchasing online.
It's All There in Black and White
Such drama! Just for fun - an advertisement for a film at the Ilo-Ilo Theatre printed in the Courtenay Free Press April 21, 1931 edition.
Read this newspaper article from our archives
With legacy support from the Bickle Family and the Comox Valley Echo.
Museum Sponsors
Judy and Stan Hagen
Comox Valley Community Foundation
Daryl and Evelyn Wright-Francis Jewellers Ltd.
The Rotary Club of Courtenay Foundation
The Robert Hunt Family
Don and Marie Gordon
M. Jean McMullan Estate
Bruce McPhee
Comox Valley Echo
Marjorie Thorpe
The Bickle Family
Lorna Gunn
John Wilson and Family
Judy Gurr
Sue and Ian Leakey
Ed LaFleur
Ron Moffat
Paula Moffat
Comox Valley Monarch Lions Club
Elizabeth Braithwaite
Jean Hawthorne
Lawrence Burns
Sheila Carvalho
Perlita Docuria
Coral Dunn
Bent Harder
Dove and Mike Hendren
Joanne Jacobson
Inge Krahn
Phyllis Long
Ginny Lowrie
Ruth Masters
Mary McCaffrey
Evelyn Martin
M.E. McKerrow
Mary Mobley
D. Mobley
Richard Monks
Barb Page
Bernie Poole
Alice Potts
Robin Potts
Gordon Schnare
April Shopland
George E. Sprogis
Jean & Ian Sibbald
Chuck & Mary Slemin
Roberts and Adela Smith
Donald Taylor
M & J Tevington
Museum Funding
The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, British Columbia Gaming Branch, and from museum generated revenues and donations.
Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum: