50 Years Strong
CDM 980.63.33
2011 marks the 50th anniversary of the Courtenay and District Historical Society.
The group was officially registered as a non-profit society in 1961 although meetings of interested individuals started in October of 1953.
The mandate, to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley, has led to a variety of display locations over the years.
From an exhibit case in the Court House, to an extension of the Tourist Bureau, to the upper floor of the Native Sons Hall to, finally, the renovated post office building in downtown Courtenay.
It’s quite astonishing to realize what can grow from the hard work and dedication of community volunteers.
We will be providing more exciting information about the history of the society throughout this anniversary year.
Anniversary Give Away
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Courtenay and District Historical Society one copy of the book The Comox Valley will be given away to one lucky member each month.
Names of current, paid up members of the society will be entered and one will be chosen at random on the last Friday of each month. The winner will be notified.
The Comox Valley, by Paula Wild, is a handsome, hard cover, coffee table book that provides an intimate portrait of an incredibly beautiful and special place.
Home School Programme Success
A moveable Solar System model, created by a student in the Science and Nature Discovery Program
January 2010 marked the launch of the Science and Nature Discovery Programme here at the Museum. Designed exclusively for home-learners and comprised mostly of hands-on activities, this programme has been a huge success! One class per week was originally offered and interest was so great that three more classes were needed to be added to accommodate all of the students.
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A Word to the Wise
Welcome to the second installment in the series to increase our vocabulary by learning an Island Comox word.
The word for this issue is courtesy of Sliammon Life, Sliammon Lands page 167 by Dorothy Kennedy and Randy Bouchard, 1983.
"Kwániwsam 'resting place' – "Quinsam," the name of the area where a Lekwiltok Indian Reserve was established about 3 kilometres southwest of Campbell River town, is an anglicization of the original Island Comox name for this place. Kwániwsam was formerly an important site for the Island Comox people, being the place where the special mask known as xwáyxway is said to have dropped down from the sky."
It's All There in Black and White
No this isn't a tale about a visually impaired farm animal...it's more of a 100 year old Crime Stoppers story from The Islander newspaper, January 28, 1911.
Read this newspaper article from our archives
A Lot Happening in 2011
Things are looking good at the Capes Escape vacation rental house. We are beginning to take bookings for 2011. We have return visitors coming in for the Vancouver Island Music Festival this year. They are even staying a bit longer to have a better look at the Comox Valley.
Also, 2011 seems to be shaping up to be a year of weddings! We have several groups of proud parents staying at Capes Escape for their sons’ or daughters’ nuptials. Wishing them success with their planning and beautiful weather for the weddings.
Click here for photos and availability
Museum Sponsors
Judy and Stan Hagen
Comox Valley Community Foundation
Daryl and Evelyn Wright-Francis Jeweller's Ltd.
The Rotary Club of Courtenay Foundation
The Robert Hunt Family
Don and Marie Gordon
M. Jean McMullan Estate
Comox Valley Echo
Marjorie Thorpe
The Bickle Family
Lorna Gunn
John Wilson and Family
Judy Gurr
Sue and Ian Leakey
Ed LaFleur
Elizabeth Braithwaite
Jean Hawthorne
Dove and Mike Hendren
Ruth Masters
John and Joan Wilson
George E. Sprogis
Gordon Schnare
Mary Mobley
Photo of the Month
CDM #989.69.74
Strand Café, Courtenay, late 1920's
You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.
Museum Funding
The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, Valley Charitable Bingo Society, and from museum generated revenues and donations.
Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum: