Lecture Series:
Steamship into Oblivion
Peter Rendlisbacher rendition
Guest speaker: Rick James
When: 7:00 pm, Tuesday, March 30th
Where: Courtenay and District Museum
Admission: $5 museum members; $6 non-members. Advance tickets recommended.
On February 28, 1873, residents of Victoria opened the Daily British Colonist to read "Terrible Marine Disaster! Probable Loss of the Propeller Geo S Wright with all on board!" The American screw steamship was on its way south from Alaska to Portland, Oregon in late January that year when she disappeared somewhere in Queen Charlotte Sound in a raging gale.
As the story of the loss spread throughout the United States by telegraph, tales of horrific deeds supposedly perpetrated by wild west coast people ran rampant.
Over the next few months, as searches failed to find anyone still alive, hope slowly faded. Then, when a north Vancouver Islander came forward four years later with a tale of witnessing a horrendous massacre on the Cape Caution beaches, the Royal Navy gun vessel HMS Rocket was sent north to seize some Nuxalk First Nation suspects. When two of them refused to surrender, the village of Kimsquit was levelled by cannon fire.
Did any of the Geo S Wright's crew and passengers actually make it to shore and, if so, did they become victims of a massacre? But, more important is the question of what became of the Geo S Wright since her wreck location remains a mystery to this day.
If you're interested in learning more about this 19th century tragedy, then make your way to the Courtenay District & Museum to hear more from veteran West Coast maritime historian Rick James.
Provincial Budget News
A great deal of news has circulated lately about the provincial budget, the state of funding for the British Columbia Arts Council (BCAC) and the status of gaming funds for cultural organizations.
Over the past several months, the executive of the BCAC, the B.C. Museums Association and the Heritage Society of B.C. kept museums and galleries around the province informed as events unfolded.
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Volunteer Week - April 18-24
Volunteer week will be celebrated in Canada from April 18-24. On behalf of the board and staff of the Courtenay and District Museum we would like to thank the many volunteers who do so much to assist with operations and special projects. The April issue of the enews will feature volunteers and projects that make extraordinary things possible on a daily basis at the museum.
Capes Escape Update
At the Capes Escape property spring is in the air! The trees and bushes are budding and ready to blossom! One of our Courtenay Museum volunteers, David Dickinson, has pruned all of the fruit trees this year - thanks David! Capes Escape is available as a vacation rental and is beginning to book up for the season.
Click here for photos and availability
Sponsoring the Museum
It is with great pleasure that we continue our sponsorship initiative to support museum programming and extension. The Courtenay & District Museum is an exciting destination that interprets cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley through exhibitions, lectures, special events and programmes. The CDM hosts over 35,000 local, national and international visitors a year.
Many of the museum's programmes would not be possible without strong sponsorship from our donors and funders. We respectfully request your one-year sponsorship in order to continue to carry out these worthwhile programmes.
The levels of sponsorship are:
- $1,500 Dogwood
- $1,000 Garry Oak
- $750 Arbutus
- $500 Fir
- Up to $500 Seedling
Sponsors at the Dogwood level will have their logo or name featured on the museum's newsletter, website and on any publications the museum produces. Additionally, the Courtenay & District Museum is a charitable organization, so contributions are tax deductible.
Your contributions can also be made on a monthly basis. All sponsors above the $500 level will receive a CDM membership and a complimentary copy of the coffee table book The Comox Valley by Paula Wild.
We hope you will consider being a part of this worthwhile initiative as we promote and interpret the exciting natural and cultural heritage of the Comox Valley. Please feel free to contact us at 250-334-0686 if you have any questions or desire further information.
Museum Sponsors
Judy and Stan Hagen
Comox Valley Community Foundation
Daryl and Evelyn Wright-Francis Jeweller's Ltd.
The Rotary Club of Courtenay Foundation
The Robert Hunt Family
Don and Marie Gordon
M. Jean McMullan Estate
Comox Valley Echo
Marjorie Thorpe
The Bickle Family
Lorna Gunn
John Wilson and Family
Judy Gurr
Sue and Ian Leakey
Ed LaFleur
Elizabeth Braithwaite
Jean Hawthorne
Dove and Mike Hendren
Ruth Masters
John and Joan Wilson
George E. Sprogis
Gordon Schnare
Mary Mobley
Photo of the Month
CDM #989.182.1
Comox Bakery, Proprietor, H. C. Lucas, c. 1918
You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.
Museum Funding
The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, Valley Charitable Bingo Society, and from museum generated revenues and donations.
Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum: