Welcom To Geneology Search Engines
Includes addresses for many popular directories and search engines. The description just indicates one of its strengths. You can explore these addresses and find interesting genealogy sites that may be beneficial to your particular research.


  • www.altavista.digital.com
    Many choices (business search, advanced search, word search, people search and newsgroups), very thorough, excellent search engine.
AltavistaCanada Excite InfoSeek
  • www.Infoseek.com
    News groups, current news, company listings; can also ask question of it, "Where was George Washington born?"
Metacrawler Yahoo
  • www.yahoo.com
    Very organized. Not a search engine but a comprehensive list of links. Has international search engines such as Yahoo Canada - www.yahoo.ca
  • www.search.com
    Provides access to a wide variety of search services.
Excite Power Search Netscape Net Search The Mining Company
  • http://home.mingco.com/
    This directory is powered by people not machines. Relies on outside experts to compile lists of sites that deal with their areas of expertise.
Canada411 AltaVista Translator A Web of On-line Dictionaries