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Event type: In-person
Time and Date: 4:30 pm en francais; 7pm in English. Both on Tuesday, April 15th (doors open 6:30pm for 7pm lecture)
Location: Rotary Gallery of the Courtenay and District Museum
Speaker: Historian Maurice Guibord
Tickets: free admission thanks to a Heritage Canada grant to the SHFCB. Please call to reserve a space as seating is limited. 250-334-0686 ext. 2.

The Société Historique Francophone de la Columbie-Britannique (SHFCB) has conducted onsite research in the Cariboo and the Okanagan on the history of Francophones who launched ranches in those regions in the 1860s-70s, holding oral history interviews with their descendants, and creating from the results a bilingual digital exhibition.

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