Archive Fees and Policies
The Courtenay and District Museum and Historical Society is pleased to provide the community with access to local archives.
Photographic orders and/or research requests can take several weeks to process depending upon demand. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT.
The following fees and restrictions may apply:
Archival Research Fees
There is a $5.00 annual user fee for the archives. Upon payment, you will receive an archival card which provides a year’s access. The fee is waived for members of the Courtenay and District Historical Society.
There may be additional charges when a large amount of staff time is required. For example, a request to photocopy many pages from old newspapers might take hours of staff time. In this instance, there would be fees for the copies as well as a charge of $25.00 per hour of staff time.
Charging for time worked is at the discretion of the staff and will be discussed with the researcher BEFORE work begins. The first hour of our time is a $20.00 charge; every hour after or part thereof is $30.00. We will keep a record of our time and reference material used. A deposit may be required in advance (normally $50.00).
Photographic Rates
Depending on copyright, donor restrictions and the item’s physical condition, you may be able to order digital copies of photographs.
Order forms for photographic reproductions are available at the archives or can be emailed upon request.
For personal or research use only:
Digital file copy (300 dpi JPEG) $20.00 each
In purchasing an image, the researcher obtains permission for personal use only. Permission is not granted for further reproduction or for use other than that specified in the original request for reproduction.
Please contact the archives for charges that apply to specialty scan requests.
Commercial use of images:
Contact the archives for charges for image reproductions involving:
-product resale
-decoration in place of business
-broadcast or film use
-publication use
Any use beyond personal or research use must be approved in advance by staff.
The Courtenay and District Museum and Archives requests that the museum be credited for each image, and that the photograph number be cited as follows: “Courtesy of the Courtenay and District Museum and Archives ‘999.99.9’”. The Courtenay and District Museum and Archives request a copy of the publication in which the image appears.