Merville’s importance as a soldier settlement precipitated the Prince of Wales’ visit to the Comox Valley on September 26, 1919.
The Cumberland Islander of September 27 covered the event and you can read that story below.
But what about those little details that didn’t make it into the article? For example, the royal car was part of a “parade” led by A.B. (Charlie) Ball down to the Agricultural Grounds. Jeff Hannay presented an ice cream cone to his Highness in the middle of the main street. And the royal route? It was E&N Station, down main street to the Agricultural Grounds, Dyke Road to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Back Road to admire the view and then off to Merville.
Bonus Photo
Medallion given out to commemorate the visit
Bonus Bonus
There is film footage of the Prince’s visit to Merville. (Yes, you read that right). Here is a link to the video. The Comox Valley section starts about 8 minutes or so into the footage.